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Friday, May 12, 2023

EV / PHEV / Hybrid. Which one should one get?

 A big topic now for the EV era, especially for the ASEAN countries. 

Today, suddenly, my friend asked me whether 740Le is a worth buy? He means the 2017 model, with second hand price of around RM170k. Interesting topic, since we've been debating on EV, whether it's actually helping the environment or not, and it's not so affordable at the moment, with limited charge points and infrastructure. 

Now, 740Le? Let me check it out a bit. Preliminarily I think its a good buy for used car. Nice shape too. 

It's a PHEV. ~40km EV range. Luxury. Spacious. 

I think it's up to personal satisfaction. It's overall quite a good package. 

I would give it a shortlist. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Age difference calculation

A was born in 1955. 
B was born in 1966. 
How old is B when A is 68 years old?

How many ways to calculate to get B's age when A is 68? 

Answer 1: 
1966 - 1955 = 11. (B is younger than A by 11 years) 
68 - 11 = 57. (A is 57 years old when B is 68 years) 

Answer 2: 
1955 + 68 = 2023. (It's in the year of 2023 when B is 68 years old) 
2023 - 1966 = 57. (B is 57 years old) 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Not sure how to go on with blogging

 It's been a while, or rather quire a long while, that I've left blogging. Why? It's because there's so many websites with big teams doing the writing and journals worldwide. It's so hard to get any share of attention, or fans. Nevertheless, I feel there's a lost in human direction, when everyone is able to find or do a lot of things online by themselves. The world has gone too far. I also doubt how education syllabuses are able to cope with the fastmoving internet of things. I'm still trying to scope into writing something that's interesting and helping to fill up some gaps of some readers. I love to write and hope to meet those who like to read. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Monkeypox! Oh no... but let's be calm

I'm pretty much happier and looking forward to be back to the normal life similar to 3 years ago, before the COVID-19 outbreak, but here I have to read another viral decease spreading. The Monkeypox. That's really a headache. However, after knowing it better, it's not as bad as the COVID-19, it seems. Let's trust the medical info. You may read more through this news source. 

Let's stay informed and updated. Living things have to strive to be stronger to live on. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Laptop battery balging issue

Now I know why my HP laptop battery bulged up. It's due to prolong overheating effect inside the laptop enclosure.
My system overheats all the time when plugged in to charge. I usually run my laptop the whole day as a desktop, using it for streaming TV and work in parralel, with and external monitor. 
It's cooler if run on battery. I use "Core Temp" app to check processor's temperature. 
It seems the battery charging circuit/system is setup not so efficient inside, with insufficient heat decipation. 
I remember my company's Dell laptop had similar issue. The battery lasted for years when I was working in office/factory, but it then got balged up after we started WFH for just few weeks during COVID-19 crisis. I relate that it's due to always plug in to charge and under hot environment. I WFH without aircon room, and putting the laptop on flat surface without proper airflow. 
Under cold environment or aircon room may be able to reduce the heating effect. 
So, conclusion, most electronics spoiled due to overheating or overcooling effect.
Battery is more prone to heat damage due to electrolyte deteriorating effect.
I so far been put the laptop on a lifted open bottom platform for better airflow. Will see if there's anything else I can improve its cooling and heat decipation. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Sinovac vaccine effectiveness?

One doctor in Thailand who's been given 2 doses of Sinovac vaccine has just been infected by Covid-19 and passed away. 😔 
Debate now on how effective is the vaccine actually. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Modern Web Builders (online)

Looking back to those days when MS Frontpage was a tool for website building, and was one of the web hosts I used to use. Now, no more of them. It sees offline web development is not needed anymore, but online web building platform is. So, we have to keep up the tech trend carefully. Less HTML editing these days. Ease of building any website by newbies these days. Great! 

So, what are the web builder providers? OK, I'm new with less knowledge too, but I google up. :) 

I found Wix, SquareSpace, Weebly, Duda, GoDaddy, Wordpress, Shopify, and BigCommerce are mentioned by most. Great! 

Hope this list helps some of those who are searching for one web building platform too. I won't say which is the best, because I don't know. I haven't tried them yet. I guess you can further do your own research to learn their differences and pick one suitable for you. ;) 




Monday, April 19, 2021

inductively powered LED design

This is a very interesting power transfer design. Using RLC circuit as channels to power up device through fraudulent controlled supply. Very clever concept. Nevertheless its inductively powered through pcb coil design. 👏

RLC band-pass filter design calculator (online)

This is a nice RLC Calculator tool.
I came across it through a YouTube video of inductively powered led circuit design. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Colchicine a COVID-19 fighter?

People have been eagerly waiting for vaccines to prevent the Corona virus COVID-19 infection. However, I think we should look for the most effective treatment as well for those who are infected. Cure and continue to live! 

And this news that I've just read is really a new light. Colchicine, if you've heard of it. I haven't, but I'm learning. I really hope this will save more lives from being killed by COVID-19. 

Thanks all researchers and medical teams.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Types of voltage divider circuits

 Most people would be more familiar with the voltage divider using series resistors. It's also known as Resistive Voltage Divider. 

There's a few more types of voltage divider. Namely, Capacitive Voltage Divider and Inductive Voltage Divider. 

Here's a good webpage explaining the differences of the said voltage dividers.